Monday, April 8, 2013

Get Busy!

I am obviously a long ways off from posting on this blog everyday.  I certainly intended to when I started it.  But something happened.  As I took steps to remember my blessings and be thankful for my life, I felt happier, and I haven't needed to "vent" about hard things.  Right now is not the easiest time for our family.  We have had sickness, work, just life basically, to get in the way of our happiness.  But I don't feel unhappy. I'm busy doing the things I know I should be doing - loving and taking care of my kids and my husband, cleaning my house, getting together with sisters in my ward and other friends - trying to love and take care of them if they need it.  I'm singing more, I'm doing the odd craft here and there. I'm busy busy busy!  But in the odd moment of down time, when I might be tempted to feel stressed or upset about things that might merit such a reaction, I just stop.  I think "Be still, and know that I am God".

God is in charge.  He has my back.  He is looking out for me.  He encourages me to lose myself in the service of others. Most often that means my husband and small children right now.  Sometimes that means people around me.  Sometimes I need to serve myself a bit.  He helps me know.

I guess there are two opposing thoughts here - they actually go together really well though.

Get busy!  And be still.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Random thoughts

I am surrounded by wonderful people.

I had a thought last night, that when I open my eyes up to witness God's blessings, I realize how abundant they already are, I just wasn't seeing them.

My husband and I were on the verge of making a huge decision last night.  Well actually, it was made, and we were moving forward with it, and I got scared and felt that perhaps we were choosing the wrong thing for the wrong reason.  We started talking and realized that we had both agreed to this choice because we thought that the other person needed/wanted it.  Which is very sweet of us, but could have been a disaster if we had followed though on this huge change.  As we talked, we realized that neither of us really wanted it or felt that it was a necessary move at this point in our lives.  Whew, disaster averted.  What a tender mercy we received.

Marriage is a never-ending project.  I mean that in the very best way.  Just like Ben Affleck said (haha, I can't believe I'm quoting him)  that marriage is the best kind of work.  I completely agree.  I have always felt that my husband and I had very good communication, and I still think that.  However, I'm consistently amazed at how we continue to grow in this respect.  I think that I understand exactly how he feels about something, and then as we talk I realize that I'm slightly off track, or sometimes completely opposite.

Perhaps this is why there are so many divorces these days.  A couple might think that they understand what the other person is thinking, but they actually don't.  You can't assume that the other person knows what you want and expect.  You have to talk, swallow pride, act in each-other's interest.

Marriage and parenthood are very humbling to me.  I might not be in a university setting, but I am in a classroom every day, learning about how to become like God.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


So, I've been MIA the last few weeks.  I've been feeling very happy lately, so I guess I haven't felt the need to write out all my feelings, huh?  :)  Actually, I have a lot of stuff that I want to write about, but life has been BUSY!  All that happy action takes time, you know?

A few things I'm loving right now:  My cute son loves to sing lots of songs these days.  He can sing about half of "I am a child of God" by himself, and is close to getting the rest down.  He counts to ten for everything.  He can put on his own shoes (some of the time).  My daughter is so sweet.  She loves to play with my fingers and stick them in her mouth.  She loves her brother, and just smiles even while he's trying to smother her.  My husband and I are LOVING playing our guitars together.  It's a highlight of the night when we get the chance.

Would you pray for us?  There are a few things happening right now and potentially coming up in the near future that are big and rather scary.  I'll probably talk about them in detail in the future, but right now, I just need extra prayers.

Monday, March 4, 2013

What's mine is yours

This song brings me to tears every time I hear it.

Thank you Heavenly Father, for allowing me to take care of two of your precious children.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day two of headache.  Cranky toddler.  Cranky baby.  Cranky Mommy.  Today I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep all day.

1 Nephi 21:13, 15-16
13. Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; for the feet of those who are in the east shall be established; and break forth into singing, O mountains; for they shall be smitten no more; for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.
15-16 For can a woman forget her suckling child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel.
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; they walls are continually before me.

This speaks to me on so many different levels.  Unfortunately, I don't feel well enough to write about them right now.  I'm sure you can guess anyway. :)

What does this mean to you?

PS happy of the day - my toddler decided to add to the head shoulders knees and toes song - new addition?  Diapers :)

PPS thanks for good friends who come over to play and help the day go faster

Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy Action

I was thinking about happiness last night, and I realized that it needs to be an action word.  We can't just sit and wait for happiness to come to us, we have to look for it, search, and when we find it, it is usually because we are doing something.  Here are some things that I'm doing that are bringing a lot of happiness to me right now.

*Teaching my son to sing "I Am A Child Of God" from our church's children's hymnbook.  His language skills are exploding right now, and he is a little parrot.  At the end of any song that he sings, he claps his hands and says Yay!  It's the best.

*Preparing to plant a small garden this year.  I've been nervous to start one, because of the expense and my inexperience.  It could end up being a very costly series of mistake.  But if I don't try, I'll never learn how, so we're going for it!

*Setting up a music night for the women in my ward.  Every Wednesday we are able to gather and sing anything we want, thanks to my fabulous accompanist friend!  So far, it's only me (not that I've minded that much, since I get to practice all my solo stuff) but hopefully over time, women will come and find some enjoyment from being with each other and singing beautiful music

*Learning guitar songs with my husband.  We have a goal to get together a huge repertoire of guitar/vocal music, some popular stuff, and some of my husbands personal compositions.  He's a musical genuis, basically. :)  Last night we were jamming out to this fun duet, and it was SO MUCH FUN!  I'm kicking myself that we didn't start this much sooner in our marriage.

What actions are you taking to increase your happiness?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Fabulous Friend Friday

I have had many friendships that haven't stood the test of time and/or distance.  This is the case for many reasons, but I will elaborate on one today.   This is the "who cares the most" problem.  The person who cares the least has the most power in a relationship.  Cynical?  Sure.  Accurate?  Definitely.  I have been on both sides of this equation, as I'm sure you have.  I got myself into several dating situations that were doomed from the start because of this little equation.  I was an eager little freshman/sophomore, looking for romance and marriage and babies.  All good things, and I'm sure glad I have them now, but I wasn't really ready for them at that point.

I had a firm motto during these times - that if you care for someone, then you can make anything work.  This was to my detriment in these relationships, mostly because those guys didn't really care about it.  They had no interest in making it work.  They weren't looking at the bigger picture.  It wasn't all their fault though - if I had been smarter I would have realized that these relationship weren't going anywhere.  That you shouldn't have to 'work so hard' to make it work.  Yeah, I was dumb.

There is a part of this attitude though, that I think is on the right track.  It's important to have a positive outlook.  It's important to work and serve in a relationship, friend or romantic.  It's important to put yourself out on the line - give of yourself totally - even if you might be hurt in the process.  Why?  Because you won't get the greatest joy unless you have the potential to be hurt.

SOOOO, after that long introduction, I want to start a new Friday thing.  Every week, I'm going to talk about a wonderful friend of mine, past or present.  I want to celebrate these people, and remind myself of the type of friend I want to be.

Nicki is one of the truest people you will ever meet.  Beautiful inside and out, she is a blond bombshell who stand about 6 feet tall and has the most awesome style ever.  Nicki is absolutely true to herself and what she believes.  She tells it to you straight.  She is unfailingly generous with her time and attention.  I practically lived at her apartment after I went through a terrible break-up.  This was during finals week, and yet I never heard a word of complaint from her as she took the time to mop me up off the floor and give me confidence in myself again.  She was involved in everything it seemed - I was always shocked at the number of people that she knew.  Yet she still found time for me.  Nicki is the epitome of what I said earlier - she was full of light and joy, and it was because she didn't hesitate to give of herself.  Her example still shines to me, and I hope I can be more like her in the future.  It's more my fault than hers that we haven't kept in very good touch.  I'm planning on changing that though.  Nicki, you rock.  Expect a call from me soon. :)